
Maximizing Engagement

Maximizing Engagement empowers teachers with exciting new tools and strategies for maximizing student engagement that can be immediately implemented in the Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education setting. Current Health and Physical Education Teacher, Wayne Schultz teams up with Cricket Australia’s Sean de Morton (Teacher and Education Specialist) to share many tips and tricks […]

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All Work No Play

In this action-packed webinar you will find more moments of joy and happiness daily.Play is a simple way to be present in the moment. When you are truly present, stress and worry melts away, making you more mindful and connected. We all know this is good for us, but when was the last time you

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The Power of Knowing

Linking purpose, intentions and outcomes to make better decisionsThe importance of capturing better student voiceWhat data does miMove collect and how is it being used – insight from practitioner co-presenterBuilding connectivity using digitalCase study of the impact miMove is having

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Designing Lessons that Stick

No matter if you are teaching in-person or virtually, you always want to create a lesson that grasps the attention and engagement of your students and make it stick. Join me in this session where we explore the framework of designing effective lessons, use practical implications and discuss how you can start creating lessons that

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Why are your students active and how does that impact your physical education program?

The role of physical education in promoting physical activity is well documented. Typically, this connection is conveyed with a public health approach in that physical activity is good for your health. While the health benefits of physical activity are undeniable the physical activity levels of most citizens remains low. Why? Could it be that health

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