ConnectedPE: Redefining Physical Education with AI-Powered Tools!
Empowering PE Teachers to Excel and Enhance Their Impact with a Collection of AI-Driven Solutions and 24/7 Access to Certified Professional Learning Content

Empowering PE Teachers to Excel and Enhance Their Impact with a Collection of AI-Driven Solutions and 24/7 Access to Certified Professional Learning Content
Certificates Issued
Lessons Generated
Spend your weekends doing things you enjoy again. Leverage our tools and resources to reclaim your personal time.
Effortlessly Draft Units & Lessons on Any Topic and Curriculum Worldwide, Powered by AI in Just Minutes.
Self-Paced PD Online Anytime, Anywhere via Our Website and Mobile Apps with certificates and tracking.
ConnectedPE is a highly efficient and affordable solution compared to traditional resources, significantly enhancing teaching practice while saving you both time and money.
Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding. Assessment inspire us to ask these hard questions: “Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?” “Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning?” “Is there a way to teach the subject better, thereby promoting better learning?”
Featured Courses
ConnectedPE Membership contains access to multiple courses that focus specifically on Assessment in Physical Education Settings. Here’s some of them below.
In recent years there has been a growing push to explore physical literacy and the role PE Teachers have in the process. Physical literacy is defined as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, understanding and knowledge to maintain physical activity at an individually appropriate level, throughout life” (Whitehead, 2006).
In its broadest context ‘literacy’ means gaining knowledge and competency in a specific discipline or subject area.
Featured Courses
ConnectedPE Membership contains access to multiple courses that focus on the importance of Physical Literacy and the role PE Teachers have.
Here’s some of them below.
Schools have a critical role in supporting students to make healthy lifestyle choices and to understand consequences on lifelong health and wellbeing. The link between health and wellbeing and positive academic performance is well researched:
Featured Courses
ConnectedPE Membership contains access to multiple courses that focus specifically on Assessment in Physical Education Settings. Here’s some of them below.
Technology provides the opportunity to fundamentally change instructions and learning. Used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices. When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology can help make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.
Featured Courses
ConnectedPE Membership contains access to multiple courses that focus specifically on the role of technologies in Physical Education Settings. Here’s some of them below.
An instructional model is a unique plan of action, designed to facilitate certain learning outcomes for students. Each model establishes its own pattern of decision making, classroom operations, and responsibilities for the teacher and students. Providing Teachers with a depth of Instructional models they can introduce in their practice has been shown to dramatically improve their effectiveness as educators.
Featured Courses
ConnectedPE Membership contains access to courses exploring a wide variety of instructional models. Here’s some of them below.
With Over 150 individual courses available on demand inside ConnectedPE your school staff are bound to find areas that connect with your schools, district or states specific needs.
If you’re a PE Teacher that’s struggling to take keep up with the rapid pace of the teaching world, being a member of ConnectedPE Community WILL help you. ConnectedPE is focused on making sure that the world’s best professional development is accessible to all, from any device & at any time. Best of all you have 14 days to trial it FREE – What do you possibly have to lose?
Community Access is billed on a monthly, or annual basis. We operate a strict no-refund policy. No refunds for partial months or annual membership, including upgrading / downgrading of membership will be given.
We hope you stick around for the long-term because, ultimately, that’s what will bring results. However, if you do want to cancel, you can do so via a click inside of your account.
AI tools, or Artificial Intelligence tools, are advanced software applications that utilize machine learning algorithms to automate and enhance various tasks. In the context of ConnectedPE, our AI tools are designed specifically for Physical Education teachers to help them save time, improve their lesson planning, and enhance their teaching practice. These AI-powered tools can generate lesson plans, rubrics, and assessments tailored to your curriculum and specific needs, making it easier for you to focus on delivering engaging and effective lessons. By leveraging the power of AI, ConnectedPE aims to provide you with innovative solutions that make a significant impact on your teaching experience and the learning outcomes of your students.
Once you know which workshop you would like to attend, let us know and we’ll add you FREE of charge to that event. If you’re not on an annual plan and want to secure your free workshop, simply upgrade via your account page. If you’ve already registered for a workshop, securing ConnectedPE access won’t entitle you to a refund. Community access needs to come first and be via Credit Card only.
We sure do. Visit the following page to find out more
All payment is completed online using Credit Card and PayPal (the exception is department membership). We’re more than happy to issue an invoice or official receipt following the payment. If you require one of these visit the following page to request a quote
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