Explicitly teaching children how to develop healthy friendships and manage conflict in a positive way is at the heart of helping them flourish. These important social skills are the key to bullying prevention, creating safe, caring learning environments, and inspiring kinder, happier children.
Educators will learn how schools around the world are using URSTRONG’s unique, kid-friendly language to teach friendship skills and conflict management step-by-step. Dr Deb Perich will share how Perth College has utilised this school-wide relationship strategy and embedded the language and skills into their wellbeing practices with kids, teachers, and parents.
Deb’s Bio:
Dr Deb Perich (BPE, Dip Ed, PhD, ProfCertPosEd) is the Director of the InsideOut self-leadership programme at Perth College where she has implemented a Kindergarten to Year 12 course incorporating Positive Psychology. She is a Licensed URSTRONG Presenter and has presented to kids, teachers, and parents at schools all around Australia.