July 12, 2018

Standing Balance Test

Equipment Flat non slip surface, stopwatch Procedure Remove the shoes and place the hands on the hips, then position the non-supporting foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg. The subject is given one minute to practice the balance The subject raises the heel to balance on the ball of the foot. The stopwatch […]

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Stork Test

AIM To assess the balance of an individual on one foot Equipment Stopwatch Procedure Remove shoes and stand on a flat surface with hands on hips Stand on one foot and position the other foot against the inside knee of the supporting leg On the starting signal, raise your heel and balance on the ball

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Ruler Drop Test

AIM To assess the reaction time of participants Equipment A metre ruler and a chair Procedure The ruler is held by the assistant between the outstretched index finger and thumb of the athlete’s dominant hand, so that the top of the athlete’s thumb is level with the 10 centimetre line The assistant instructs the athlete

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50m Sprint Test

  AIM To determine running speed over 50m Equipment Stopwatches, Cones, Measuring Tape Procedure In pairs, one member acts as the timekeeper the other the participant The participant starts from a stationary position On a signal the participant sprints as fast as possible to the end line The timekeeper stops the stopwatch and shares the

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35m Sprint Test

AIM To determine running speed over 35m Equipment Stopwatches, Cones, Measuring Tape Procedure In pairs, one member acts as the timekeeper the other the participant The participant starts from a stationary position On a signal the participant sprints as fast as possible to the end line The timekeeper stops the stopwatch and shares the time.

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AIM To measure agility within a pre-determined course Equipment Tape measure, marking cones, stopwatch Procedure Setup the course as per the diagram below (5 yards = 4.57m, 10 yards = 9.14m The subject starts at cone A. On the command of the timer, the subject sprints to cone B and touches the base of the

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