Andrew Milne thought he knew everything about teaching. Twenty years into his teaching career, he realized that learning how to be an exceptional educator is actually a lifelong process.
Learn how Andrew Milne became a teacher of teachers by blogging and consistently stepping up his game.

Andrew Shares Tips and Raises Funds for Other Teachers
Andrew sees himself as one of the lucky ones working at a school that is fully supportive of him attending conferences and lectures all over the world. That gives him a chance to meet new people.
Not all educators have these kinds of opportunities or are a part of a supportive system.
“I hear, from teachers who are less fortunate than myself, stories of school districts unwilling or unable to support teacher professional development with the time or money that they deserve, and that breaks my heart.”
Andrew Milne decided to help those teachers by raising funds in order to make possible for them what’s so readily available to him!
[ctt template=”4″ link=”NZedo” via=”yes” ]”Regular professional development keeps you energized.”[/ctt]
When he discovered how many teachers sell their own products online for extra income, he decided to do the same but with a twist.
“I set up the #sendateacher initiative that seeks to raise money through the sale of clothing items designed by PE & Health teachers for PE & Health teachers. 100% of the profits go towards sending teachers to the SHAPE America National Conference.”
Build Up Your Teaching Skills
Andy is absolutely concerned with the fact that the traditional educational system isn’t performing at its best. With no support to help an already small and overstretched staff, it’s no wonder that most students leave school feeling like just a face in the crowd.
Andrew stated that teaching like he used to teach 20 years ago would be easier, but both he and his pupils would inevitably get bored.
“We know that teachers get burnt out and leave the profession, but I maintain that regular professional development keeps you energized. If I should ever get to a point that I no longer wish to seek out professional development then it’s time for me to leave the profession.”
Andrew believes that teaching in the same manner semester after semester is the easy way out. But, this will never generate enthusiastic and optimistic students. This is especially true if the teachers are simply going through the motions of a lesson they’ve done dozens or even a hundred times.
Top 10 Upskilling Tips from Andrew Milne
Tip #1 – Read a Blog
Blogs are free, and you can gain access to them easily.
“There are a wealth of excellent teachers out there willing to share their resources with others. Take time to read a blog or two.”
One of the blogs Andrew likes to read is Teacher Toolkit where he absolutely loves reading about new ideas and techniques that he can implement in his classes.
Related: How to start a blog in 20 minutes
Tip #2 – Listen to a Podcast
Andrew said that listening to a podcast is important for gathering new skills when it comes to teaching.
“This medium continues to expand with health and physical education teachers producing some really good content. Be sure to check out newcomers to the field–The Fundamental Movement and Run Your Life.”
Here are ten more podcasts that you might like.
Tip #3 – Watch a TED Talk
TED talks are one of the best ways to learn something new and enhance your knowledge.
“Available in audio and video format, the TED talks continue to churn out awesome resources that can be used for professional development or used in your classroom.”
Here’s 10 great education-related TED talks to get you started.
[ctt template=”4″ link=”5WN76″ via=”yes” ]”Set up an initiative to bring awareness to your cause, in this instance SHAPE America National Conference” [/ctt]
Tip #4 – Check out Your Local Library
Even though online libraries make things easier for us, Andrew thinks that a good teacher should visit the local library.
“It may have been awhile since you checked out your local library. They’ve moved into the 21st century with audio books available via apps. My local library and my school library use different apps. I have the Overdrive and Hoopla apps available for me to listen to or I read books on my iPad or Kindle.”
Tip #5 – Attend a Webinar
Andrew mentioned that there are a lot of teachers who are prevented from going to conferences. A webinar is an easy and cost efficient way of attending a conference from your home.
“There are so many great health and physical education webinars available for you to access in the comfort of your own home”.
Want to join a webinar? We got your covered at ConnectedPE you can our sessions here.
Tip #6 – Find a Mentor
Working in teams has proven to be a good technique when it comes to leveling up your skills. Via SHAPE America, you can pair yourself with another teacher so that you can both build up your experience together.
“Check out SHAPE America’s Mentor match. Get paired up with another professional and develop together at your own pace, in your own time.”
Tip #7 – Subscribe to Newsletters
Some newsletters provide such practical pieces of information, especially webinars or live podcasts. You can join the ConnectedPE email newsletter here
“Click ‘subscribe’ to some of these great organizations, sit back and watch your inbox fill up with resources that can be used immediately or saved for another day.”
Some of Andrew’s favorite newsletters are the CDC, the OAH, and the ASHA.
(Here’s a cheeky plug for our popular free newsletter: if you’d like cool resources to help you take your PE classroom to the next level, we have you covered.
Tip #8 – Outsource Yourself
Andrew believes that one of the best ways to enhance your experience is to work even when you are on a break. You can help a colleague by live broadcast during his or her classes.
“Not everyone has spring break at the same time as you so there are many of your peers still working hard in their classroom. Why not consider helping them out by Skyping into their lesson?”
Tip #9 – Collaborate Online
An online chat is one way of collaborating with other professionals. There is Voxer, a Google Drive chat group that Andrew likes visiting.
“Got an idea? A question? Consider starting the conversation on Twitter….or taking it deeper by engaging with other teachers on Voxer. Personally, I’m looking forward to the next Voxer book club.”
Tip #10 – Extend your Professional Learning Network (PLN)
It’s important to follow the people you are chatting with. That way, your own community can grow.
“If I have a question, need the help of someone that I trust, and need a rapid response, I can always turn to my PLN.”
Help Andrew’s Cause and Buy a T-shirt
Andrew Milne has been a teacher for more than twenty years. He attributes his winning of the Health and Educational Teacher of the Year award to his attendance of conferences worldwide.
Andrew raises funds to give other teachers the same life-changing opportunities he’s had. Here is your chance to help him help them!
You can buy a t-shirt directly at or you can make a donation via Paypal on the site. They can make the t-shirt in any color you like best.
“This year we sent two young teachers to the National Conference in Boston, and we are already on target to send two teachers to Nashville in 2018.”
Buy a product from his website, make a donation, or spread the word. This could be your chance to engage and help a teacher grow and change the world one student at a time.
Support the Send-A-Teacher initiative, and help teachers access professional development by donating or purchasing items at